I had a long and varied career before becoming a writer. I've been an art historian, an investment banker in San Francisco and Philadelphia, a non-profit fundraiser, and a professional genealogist.
Now that I’m a writer, it seems that everything that came before was research for future books. I've used almost everything I've ever done in one book or another. But I don’t rely only on the past: I love learning new skills (on behalf of my characters), like how to grow apples or manage a pub in Ireland, or communicate with the ghosts of my departed ancestors.
When I'm not writing, I love to travel, I can fix almost anything around an old house, and I'm passionate about history and genealogy, especially when they’re intertwined.
Vital statistics: Married (to my first and only husband), with one child (who is pursuing her own dream in another state in both play-writing and croissant-baking), and three cats. I live in a Victorian home in eastern Massachusetts that always needs fixing. Over the course of my life, I've lived in seven states, nineteen towns, and two foreign countries. I'm a Mayflower descendant and the grandchild of Irish immigrants, which makes me a true mongrel American.
And recently I’ve fulfilled one of my own dreams: I bought a cottage in Ireland.